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Discounts, Samples & Freebies

Did you know that there are multiple ways through online resources, and within your community, to find freebies and discounted item coupons for the household and your pantry? 

Signing up for free sample and coupon websites will send deals directly to your email’s inbox that you can use directly in store, or send off to have free stuff delivered to your mailbox.

Another handy resource to fill needs for household goods and services are community based websites. Local BuyNothing groups on Facebook, Freecycle, and Offerup are excellent places on the web to find useful household items from people in your geographical area. Both BuyNothing Facebook groups and Freecycle offer an ‘Ask’ feature to send a request out to your community members in case you don’t see your particular need offered at the time.

Estate sales are also another great option for finding deals on common household items within your community. Because these sales are often a wholesale cleanout of gently used home goods, deep discounts at 75-80% are usually offered during the later days of the individual sales.

Samples, Freebies and Free Services:

Get free stuff sent to you via the mail on everything from snacks, cleaning supplies to personal hygiene products with these handy websites:

Discounts on Groceries:

Search for deals on items on your grocery list from stores within your community. Build your shopping list, keep track of your preferred stores, and view deals all in one place.

Discounts for Household Items and Apparel:

Local BuyNothing groups on Facebook

If you are a Facebook user, look for local free groups (search for ‘Free Stuff’ in *insert city, state*) or the widely popular “BuyNothing” groups within your community. Simply log in and look for the ‘Groups’ on your Facebook homepage. This is an excellent resource for asking within your community for goods and services. Fulfill your common household needs with giveaways, while getting to know your neighbors!

FreeCycle is a community based website with postings offering up unwanted household items. Search for your city or town and scroll through offerings or search the posts for specific needs.

OfferUp is a popular website for selling items within your community, which also includes a large ‘free’ section. Type what you’re looking for into the search bar, and set your location to see what members of your community have to ‘offer up’!

Estate sales can be an awesome resource for finding common household items for every area of the home. Using these websites, you scan search for the location and time of sales in your community, as well as the specific items that meet your needs: